Monday 17 February 2014

Happy Key Day

I cannot tell you how relieved I am to have finally been inside number 17 and signed in the dotted line.......what a fantastic relief to find spacious (if not badly decorated rooms) nothing that can't be solved and finally yes finally a proper home for me and mouse. Now the hardwork really begins, first challenge is this...

Sunday 16 February 2014

And so the journey begins......

I've got that Christmas Eve feeling, anticipation of what tomorrow will bring as Mouse and I get the keys to our new life tomorrow. Nothing grand nothing mega just a little two bed house that we can call home and start our new beginnings with a clean slate....hopefully.

It's been a humdinger of almost two and a half years and this is the next chapter, I'm excited and scared all rolled into one. The small voice inside me keeps shouting please let it all be alright as we leave behind the safety of the flat we've called home for these past two years. It's been our bolt hole and it saved us from the life that was, but we have outgrown it and it's time to be brave once again and move on. Change never used to be a challenge for me but circumstances have meant that I rely upon the security of familiarity but I know I must change in order to live because at present I am stuck. I want to be that butterfly emerging from the chrysalis, I want to live again.

It's a weird feeling knowing this house is mine to decorate as I choose, I make the decisions and this is going to be a proper home for me and Mouse. This is going to be our happy home all cosy and where is Mary Poppins to shift all our stuff?